
Lowongan Kerja PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk Seluruh Indonesia


Lowongan Kerja PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk Seluruh Indonesia

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Lowongan Kerja PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk

PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk telah beroperasi sejak tahun 1933 dan telah menjadi perusahaan Fast Moving Consumer Goods terdepan di pasar Indonesia. Unilever Indonesia memiliki lebih dari 40 brand yang terbagi dalam 2 segmen usaha; Home & Personal Care dan Nutrition and Ice cream. Unilever Indonesia telah ‘go public’ pada tahun 1982 dan saham-sahamnya tercatat dan diperdagangkan di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Lowongan Unilever Leadership Internship Program (ULIP).

Unilever Indonesia memiliki sembilan pabrik yang berada di Cikarang dan Rungkut. Kesembilan pabrik tersebut telah mendapatkan sertifikasi halal dari Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI).

Visi kami adalah menjadi pemimpin di pasar global dalam hal menciptakan bisnis yang berkelanjutan; yang berlandaskan tujuan mulia (purpose-led) dan mampu bersaing dimasa depan (future-fit).

Lowongan Kerja PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk

Saat ini, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk sedang membuka rekrutmen dengan posisi sebagai berikut :

ULIP Customer Development for Depo – Indonesia

  • In Unilever, we believe that companies with purpose last, brands with purpose grow, and people with purpose thrive. The Unilever Future Leaders Programme (UFLP) is about having a big impact on the business, right from the start. It’s about growing market-leading brands from day one. It’s about getting to know the business fast. We are looking to make future leaders of you by focusing on your whole development, personally and professionally. We will concentrate on three key areas: learning by experience, learning through people and formal learning. We will push you to achieve your potential and make a big business impact where you will learn from some of the best in the business.

Job Purpose :

  • We offer world-class development opportunities in a fast-paced, challenging work environment. That means you’ll learn from the best, both internally and externally; inspiring leaders and colleagues to support your professional and personal growth. As well as learning on the job, you’ll have access to many carefully selected learning programmes to build fundamental leadership and business skills.
  • Our Customer Development teams partner with customers to pioneer new products, categories and concepts. A Customer Development role with us will see you providing leadership in shopper trends, habits, and behaviors. You would embark on experiences areas such as Account Management, Distribution Management, Channel and Category Development.
  • ULIP Customer Development Depo is 6 months internship program designed to prepare future Unilever talents through challenging projects. ULIP give you an opportunity to see the business and experience with a very supportive learning environment and direct professional development from Unilever leaders. By the end of the program, you are expected to be a talent ready with a strong leadership impact.

Qualification :

  • Final year student or fresh graduate from all majors
  • Minimum Bachelor Degree with GPA minimum 3.30
  • Have strong leadership capability, active in organization, and passion to work in FMCG
  • Passion in Sales Field and willing to be placed in Sales Depo
  • Available for full-time internship start from 16 April – 15 October 2025
  • Indonesia Nationality (Warga Negara Indonesia)

Recruitment Timeline :

  1. Due Date Application: 17 Feb – 5 Mar
  2. Selection Process: 17 – 28 Mar
  3. Joining Date: 16 April 2025
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Pendaftaran paling lambat 5 Maret 2025

Hati – Hati Penipuan, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk tidak pernah meminta uang selama proses rekrutmen !

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