PT Sinar Sosro adalah perusahaan teh siap minum dalam kemasan botol yang pertama di Indonesia dan di dunia. PT. Sinar Sosro resmi didaftarkan pada tanggal 17 Juli 1974 oleh Bapak Soegiharto Sosrodjojo, yang berlokasi di Jalan Raya Sultan Agung KM. 28 kelurahan Medan Satria Bekasi. Lowongan Kerja PT Sinar Sosro (a REKSO Company).
Pada tahun 1940, keluarga Sosrodjojo memulai usahanya di kota Slawi, Jawa Tengah dengan memproduksi dan memasarkan teh seduh dengan merk Teh Cap Botol. Pada tahun 1960, Soegiharto Sosrodjojo dan saudara-saudaranya hijrah ke Jakarta untuk mengembangkan usaha keluarga Sosrodjojo kepada masyarakat di Jakarta.
Lalu tahun 1965, usaha memperkenalkan Teh Cap Botol ini dilakukan dengan melakukan strategy Cicip Rasa yakni mendatangi pusat-pusat keramaian seperti pasar. Lalu mulai memasak dan menyeduh teh langsung di tempat. Tetapi cara ini kurang berhasil. Kemudian teh tidak lagi diseduh langsung di pasar. Tetapi dimasukkan kedalam panci-panci besar, untuk selanjutnya dibawa ke pasar dengan menggunakan mobil bak terbuka. Lagi-lagi cara ini kurang berhasil, karena teh yang dibawa sebagian besar tumpah dalam perjalanan dari kantor ke pasar.
Lowongan Kerja PT Sinar Sosro (a REKSO Company)
Saat ini, PT Sinar Sosro (a REKSO Company) sedang membutuhkan karyawan dengan posisi sebagai berikut :
Management Trainee Batch 12
General Qualification :
- Fresh Graduate with maximum 2 years experience, minimum GPA 3.00
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree
- Maximum age of 25 years old
- Willing to be placed in any of PT Sinar Sosro Gunung Slamat’s location
Position Available :
A. Sales & Distribution
1. Sales Supervisor
Requirement :
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree from any major
- Passionate in Sales Product
- Open new outlet and direct selling to end user
- Have knowledge about PT Sinar Sosro Gunung Slamat’s product
- Target oriented
- Able to drive and have a driving license (SIM A)
- Willing to be placed in any of PT Sinar Sosro Gunung Slamat’s location
2. Development & Promotion Supervisor
Requirement :
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree from any major
- Passionate in Development & Promotion
- Develop new Channel Distribution (Institution, Hotel, Restaurant, and many more)
- Branding and promotion product
- Target oriented
- Able to drive and have a driving license (SIM A)
- Willing to be placed in any of PT Sinar Sosro Gunung Slamat’s location
B. Factory Division
1. Production & Maintenance Supervisor
Requirement :
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree, major in Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering
- Passionate in Production & Maintenance
- Energetic and able to work under pressure
- Willing to be placed in any of PT Sinar Sosro Gunung Slamat’s location
2. Quality Control Supervisor
Requirement :
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree, major in Industrial Engineering, Physical Engineering, Chemical Engineering
- Passionate in Quality Control
- Energetic and able to work under pressure
- Willing to be placed in any of PT Sinar Sosro Gunung Slamat’s location
3. PPIC (Production Planning Inventory Control) Supervisor
Requirement :
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree, major in Industrial Engineering, Chemical Engineering
- Passionate in PPIC
- Energetic and able to work under pressure
- Willing to be placed in any of PT Sinar Sosro Gunung Slamat’s location
C. Finance & Accounting
Requirement :
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree, major in Accounting
- Passionate in Finance and Accounting
- Having knowledge about tax and cash management
- Willing to be placed in Head Office (Jakarta)
D. International
1. Export Office
Requirement :
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree, major in Accounting / Management / Intrenational Business
- Proficient in English (both spoken and written); knowledge of Mandarin is a plus
- Possesses a broad knowledge and understanding of world geography
- Understands and masters the procedural and operational mechanisms of export-import
- Able to work under pressure, and can perform tasks quickly yet accurately.
- Proficient in Microsoft Office (Excel and PowerPoint) or Canva
- Willing to be placed in Head Office (Jakarta)
E. Strategic Account & Partnership
1. Food Services Executive – Local Officer
Requirement :
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree from any major
- Has strong negotiation, communication, and analytical skills
- Able to work under pressure, and can perform tasks quickly yet accurately
- Passionate in Sales & Marketing
- Able to drive and have a driving license (SIM A/SIM C)
- Willing to be placed in Head Office (Jakarta)
F. Poci Kreasi Mandiri
1. Unit Supervisor
Requirement :
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree from any major
- Passionate in sales & operation departement
- Creative and have a strong leadership spirit
- Able to drive and have a driving license (SIM A)
- Willing to be placed in unit offices / branch offices throughout Indonesia
G. Research & Development Officer
Requirement :
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree from Food Technology / Biotechnology / Pharmacy / Chemistry
- Possesses knowledge of Quality Management Systems & Food Safety (ISO, GMP, Halal, HACCP, and similar standards)
- Understands the stages of product development from laboratory scale to production
- Detail-oriented, creative, honest, committed, possesses strong analytical skills, and able to work effectively in a team
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Hati – Hati Penipuan, PT Sinar Sosro tidak pernah meminta uang selama proses rekrutmen !
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