
Lowongan Hult Prize Univesitas Jendral Soedirman


Lowongan Hult Prize Univesitas Jendral Soedirman

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Lowongan Hult Prize Univesitas Jendral Soedirman

Lowongan Hult Prize Univesitas Jendral Soedirman. Karirpurwokerto.id – Situs ini memuat semua informasi lowongan kerja untuk area Purwokerto dan sekitarnya. Informasi lowongan kerja merupakan informasi yang paling banyak dicari oleh para fresh graduate ataupun berpengalaman.

Hampir setiap tahun bahkan setiap 1 semester atau kurang dari itu banyak lulusan baru, pengangguran, bahkan pekerja mencari informasi lowongan kerja, dengan tujuan mendapatkan pekerjaan yang di impikan. Lowongan kerja SMA,D3,S1 dan sejenisnya, serta informasi lowongan kerja mulai dari perusahaan Swasta,BUMN, Perbankan, Kontruksi, Pertambangan dan lainnya yang ada di situs kami merupakan informasi lowongan kerja yang bersumber dari situs resmi atau media informasi lainnya.

Untuk kalian yang sedang mencari informasi lowongan kerja ataupun ingin mendapatkan pekerjaan baru. Semoga informasi lowongan kerja yang kami muat di situs ini bisa menjadi referensi buat kalian. Sedikit tips untuk kalian yang ingin melamar pekerjaan, bacalah dengan teliti dan ikuti prosedur pendaftaran yang ada jika kalian ingin benar-benar mendaftar lowongan kerja. Sejatinya banyak kegagalan yang terjadi saat melamar itu karena kurangnya pemahaman dan minat membaca sebuah informasi lowongan kerja. Selamat mencoba !!

Lowongan Hult Prize Univesitas Jendral Soedirman

Hult Prize akan datang ke Universitas Jenderal Soedirman untuk memimpin,
memberdayakan dan mengubah cara orang muda membayangkan diri mereka sendiri
kemungkinan sebagai pemimpin perubahan di dunia. Hult Prize di Unsoed kini membuka rekrutmen untuk pengurus umum.

Hult Prize Universitas Jendral Soedirman

General Requirements :

  • A 2th to 4th year Unsoed students with
    any majors.
  • Highly motivation and strong
  • Wants to Learn and grow.
  • Responsibilities and Capable with the
  • Be proactive and share your most creative and brand new idea.
  • Give feedback and be open for feedback.

A. Departement Operation

1. Academics

  • Preparing and assessing the business plan to meet Hult Prize standard in term of business
    judgement, technical skill and the core of the program, creating an integrated learning platform
    for finalists (Bootcamp & Workshop), preparing a Hult Prize standard scoring sheet, and
    concepting each phase of the competition also Finding, briefing the judges. Although focus on
    participants development, the academic team will learn as much as the participants.

Who are we looking for :

  • Fluent in english verbal and written (added point)
  • Creative, innovative, and responsibilities
  • Have a deep understanding about business and startups are much preferable
  • Have experience in business competition events into consideration

2. Event Organizer

  • This team will be responsible for all Hult Prize at UNSOED events. This team will working closely
    with Academic team and execute the day event start from the pre-event to the main event and
    also arrange and prepare technical requirements.
  • EO is the team that will be responsible for all event continuity. This team will concepting all the Hult prize events, starting from pre-event to grand finals. You’ll get a chance to get involved in enliven each of the series of events. You will be the prime actor in all of the Hult prize at UNSOED events, this role is within your soul! bring a movement of such magnitude to a very diverse community of students.

Who are we looking for :

  • Fluent in english verbal and written (added point)
  • Creative, innovative, and responsibilities
  • Have a project management skills
  • Have experience in business competition events into consideration

3. Logistic & IT

  • The Logistics & IT team is the team that will be responsible for the event platform used and all the procurement needs that would support the running of the event. This team will work together to do the procurement and create a website. this team also provides all the needs for the operations from pre-events until main events.

Who are we looking for:

  • Fluent in english verbal and written (added point)
  • Creative, innovative, and responsibilities
  • Understand about meeting platform and website (Zoom, google meet, etc)

B. Departemen Marketing

1. public relation

  • Public relation is responsible to keep communication and coordination with internal parties of UNSOED (BEM, etc) for publications and collaborations. You will responsible to approach
    speakers for marketing purposes.
  • Public Relation division responsible to Seeking and contact the speaker for our event, along with managing the agreement with the speaker (like ToR, MoU, etc.), In this division, you’ll get a lot ofinsight about how to create a partnership and relation with external parties and also valuable network. Handling Social Media and Content Writing. We also will manage our participants from the pre-event until the main event.

Who are we looking for :

  • Fluent in english verbal and written (added point)
  • Have experience in public relation matters
  • Fast response
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Able to conduct collaborative events
  • Have a vast network

2. Media & Content Production

  • In charge of the visualization of content and campaigns from the Marketing division of Hult Prize at UNSOED, not limited to graphic design, content production includes video editing. You will be responsible to visualize brief and communicate the necessary information based on the Hult Prize at UNSOED’ Graphic Standard Manual. In charge of social media and content production, includes copywriting, graphic design, and motion graphics.

Who are we looking for :

  • Fluent in english verbal and written (added point)
  • Have experience in graphic design/video editing/both proven by a strong portfolio of your chosen area of expertise
  • Familiarity with design softwares
  • Good taste in design
  • Excellent communication skills & willingness to learn
  • Ability to meet deadlines

3. marketing

  • Planning overall offline/online marketing strategy 4P (Promotion, Product, Price, Place) to reach target participants and in charge of digital marketing. In this division, we are looking for potential students to manage our community relation with the tools marketing strategy (ex: Marketing Funnel). You will responsible to the Hult Prize at UNSOED ambassador programs.

Who are we looking for :

  • Fluent in english verbal and written (added point)
  • Creative, innovative, and responsibilities
  • Have experience in marketing product, social media marketing, brand marketing, or
  • Willingness to try innovative marketing strategies
  • Excellent time management.

C. Departement Of Fundraising & Communication

1. Media & Community Partnership

  • You will introduce and provide collaboration for the most prestigious student competition at UNSOED with external organizations. In the Media and Community Partnership division, you will be responsible for dealing with external media partners to introduce activities in the Hult Prize at UNSOED to the public. You will also arrange partnership opportunities to provide exciting collaborations for this event.
  • Media partner responsible to contact media partner, not limited solely to media partner in college scope but also national media partner. Then, do not forget to conduct a partnership with some potential community partners such as any student chapter or student council in UNSOED. This division increased the Hult Prize at UNSOED connection and networking to students and communities in UNSOED significantly.

Who are we looking for :

  • Fluent in english verbal and written (added point)
  • Fast response
  • Highly committed
  • Good communication skills
  • Possess good negotiation skills
  • Able to work in a team and individually
  • Proactive and have good initiative

2. Fundraising & Sponsorship

  • Responsible for providing the money needed by other divisions for the running of the event. You will be the representatives of the Hult Prize at UNSOED in finding, contacting, closing, and making beneficial deals with the sponsors. You’ll also rack your brains to develop fundraising strategies and ideas to increase the organization’s revenue.
  • Sponsorship division is responsible to provide the funding for Hult Prize at UNSOED by sponsorship with any company/enterprise/organization in Indonesia. In this division, you will approach, negotiate, conduct an agreement, and realize the agreement with the company.

Who are we looking for :

  • Fluent in english verbal and written (added point)
  • Honest, highly committed, and willing to learn
  • Detail oriented
  • Highly committed
  • Highly communicative
  • Good networking skills
  • Possess good negotiation skills
  • Able to work in a team
  • Experienced in sponsorship/funding outreach (preferably)
  • Experienced in vendor outreach (preferably)

Simak terus Lowongan Kerja terbaru lainnya di : karirpurwokerto.id

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Daftarkan diri anda sebelum tanggal 04 September 2021